Wild Life Of A Little Monster

Others are scared of me because of all the fun I have. Considered a vigilante by my Eponine.

Judging A Book

Shelly L says that her 20-something daughter doesn't really listen and that she may as well be talking to her cat, Buddy. I can't speak for Buddy, but I listen, read, and do all kinds of things better than many 20-year-olds. Suprised? I do have a blog, you know.

Recently read some finicky eaters are that way because scientists believe they don't have sensors on their tongues to taste sweet. Whatever. Give me some ice cream any day and I'll be licking my chops for the next several hours. Those little pieces of fat-free cheese I get sometimes also are sweet. Deelish. Rowr.

Today I read that five little, newborn kittens were accidentally shipped in a box from South Carolina to Vermont. Two days in transit and they were still going strong. Who would have imagined those little creatures to be such survivors?

Also read about some cats in Japan relieving themselves on a fax machine and caused a house fire. What do you want to bet they weren't getting moist food?

I promise you, Buddy is listening better than you think he is!


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