Wild Life Of A Little Monster

Others are scared of me because of all the fun I have. Considered a vigilante by my Eponine.

Proud And Immortal

Cowboy's Cowboys lost another game Saturday. However, he seemed thrilled just to have the chance to see Bullet run the field considering the prior week's 34 to 0 drubbing. He drove to Stillwater Saturday morning and tailgated with KJ and Kathy, Beverly and the HillBILLies, Carolyn and others. After the game, he shared dinner with KJ and Kathy at Eskimo Joes and learned a little about her movie star days. He promises to tell me more about that subject at a future date. After dinner he clawed his way back up I-35 to crawl into bed with this cat.

The nights are getting cooler. I love snuggling up to the warmness he creates. Just as long as he doesn't try to grab me and put me other the blankets.


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