Wild Life Of A Little Monster

Others are scared of me because of all the fun I have. Considered a vigilante by my Eponine.

Stories That Are Told

Besides playing with feathers, eating moist food, hanging out with other furries, and many more fun things, I imagine our furry friends in heaven telling stories about how funny the two-legged ones look when they're naked. What do you think? The thought worries me a bit.

When my little monster insisted on launching a blog, I remember telling her, "there's no such thing as a cat with a blog. Chill sister." How could I have been so very wrong? Being prolific was just a natural thing for Ep. Her standard will be tough to attain. By the way, she has fully enjoyed discovering this entire cat, dog, rodent, bunny, and all blogging culture/community.

I love all these blogs. They are so incredibly fantastic. I will be checking them regularly and hope to see lots and lots and lots of pictures. The pics are the best. I have a feeling we love these creatures so much because it's our secret hope and desire of how much maybe they'll love us in return. It's not fully unconditional, I know plenty of little creatures that run away from home. We must meet their terms and they exceed ours. And then they laugh hysterically when they see us naked.

Truly, there is no possible way I can thank you enough.

(Written by Eponine's Cowboy)


At December 21, 2005 6:24 AM, Blogger Spock said...

I am so sorry. It was expected but I know that hasn't made it any easier.You & Eponine will be in my prayers. Thank you for sharing her. Thanks for sharing both of your stories at this time. It has made me appreciate my little monster just a bit more.

At December 21, 2005 7:50 AM, Blogger IndyPindy said...

I heard of Eponine only through Oreo's blog, but I am very sorry to hear of her passing. You are in our thoughts. I send you a big wet Husky kiss.

At December 21, 2005 7:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i am so sorry for your lose. it'll be a blue christmas withiout her. i almost lost my shawn a couple weeks ago. he acted the same way but he had a blood clot in his ear. we were lucky to have the surgery to drain it and save him. they say it was nothing but he really had me worried. thank you for sharing her with us. she can never be replaced.

At December 21, 2005 7:57 AM, Blogger Edsel/The Pooch said...

i'm sure there are many things that we do that are hilarious to our furry ones. i've often wondered if there is some secret lottery to enter to be reincarnated as a cat in a loving home?? every morning as i shower and do my hair and makeup and get dressed and rush around i see Edsel watching me thru half closed eyes and i just know he's laughing about the fact that i am going to work to support his life of leisure. and, i'm okay with that.

At December 21, 2005 8:04 AM, Blogger Amy in NC said...


You are in our purrayers. Eppy was a great kitty and you gave her lots of love during her life. Remember the good times. Headbutts and kisses to you.

The Monsters and their Mom

At December 21, 2005 8:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you Cowboy for sharing your sweet Eppy with us. My ginger twins Norton and Trixie are well past 17, diabetic and arthritic, and each day I have with them is a blessing. Last year I found a stray Siamese who I swear is my heart and soul Ralphie reincarnated. Oh, and yes they do laugh when they see us naked - I thought perhaps they were afraid and that is why they bolt from the room, but now I think that they run so that they can laugh with each other without hurting our feelings.

At December 21, 2005 8:23 AM, Blogger Puggyspice said...

Cowboy, I am so sorry to hear about your little angel, because I know how much it hurts to lose a pet and not have that little ray of sunshine dancing around. Happy, however, that you were able to give so much love to each other in the time Eponine was here. And perhaps you will find that she is still very much alive in spirit, as your memories of her live on and she sends you her love from the next realm.
Sending healing thoughts your way...

At December 21, 2005 9:26 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

I imagine our furry friends in heaven telling stories about how funny the two-legged ones look when they're naked. What do you think? The thought worries me a bit.

I always thought they would be plotting how to take over Heaven (just for the principle of it).And if it gives them a laugh to discuss my naked, cellulite ridden, tushie - at least they are still thinking about me.

At December 21, 2005 10:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cowboy--Tucker told me that Ep is settling in just fine... they are eating way too much and having a good laugh trying to out do each other on the stories about you and I!! So far Eponine is winning!! ha! Keep your chin up. She was a beautiful kitty and so blessed to have you in her life... just like me. I'm happy we took the pictures on Monday night!

P.S. Oh, and Ep told Tucker you had a smokin' hot body!! ;)

At December 21, 2005 11:29 AM, Blogger Kat said...

I think I speak for everyone here when I say that I'm glad you and Eponine joined the blogosphere. It's just been that much more fun.

At December 21, 2005 1:14 PM, Blogger Shaggy and Scout said...

My heart is breaking too. She was a fine friend.

At December 21, 2005 1:55 PM, Blogger craziequeen said...

Cowboy - no thanks necessary....but you can continue to blog! It wasn't only Sweet Eponine who was embraced by this rather unorthodox community, but her Sweet Cowboy too.

I always wondered why Ambrose used to smother his face in the blanket - he was laughing at the naked mama!


At December 21, 2005 4:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I only recent learned of Eppy through Oreo, Mia and Ghost. I am so very sorry for your loss. Becausee I've been there, I know how hard it is, but be comforted in knowing that Eppy will always be with you, even if you can't see her, she's no longer suffering, and you will be reunited someday. Mom's and my prayers are lifted up for you. Take care and God bless!

At December 21, 2005 6:07 PM, Blogger Big Piney Woods Cats said...

My Mom said to tell you, Cowboy, that her old gray boy Mimi that she had as a tot long years ago will be waiting with open paws for Eppy. He has been greeting new ones to Rainbow Bridge for many years. Mom is lighting a candle tonight too.

At December 21, 2005 6:09 PM, Blogger Sleeping Mommy said...

The loss of our special friends is always so hard to bear. I have several of those special friends who went all too soon and I still cry to think of them. I'm so sorry for your loss.

From a fellow OSU fan and cat-lover.

At December 21, 2005 6:55 PM, Blogger prairiesunshine said...

You are so right. I got my precious Angel because I wanted to feel loved so much. I cried and cried because I missed my kitty that I lost in a divorce and my new hubby finally agreed we could get a cat and the day we found our precious Angel was one of the best days of our lives. It IS a secret hope and desire that they'll love us in return, but instead, they give us so much more. I don't have kids, but Angel and her baby sister Taz, adopted two years later, have filled our lives with SO much that we could never ever finish blogging about it all.

Today I met you and Eppy for the first time. Every time I think about my babies getting sick, I cry. I can't think about Rainbow Bridges and the inevitable, its too painful. I read about Eppy in Beau's blog just today and came over. Everything I intended to do tonight fell by the wayside as I sat here and bawled.

How could we ever know how much a sweet little furball could affect our lives and the lives of others who never even met her in person?

And when it comes down to the truth, we all know, though we won't admit it, that the blogs are written by loving humans, big people, Mamas & Daddy's and whatever else we call ourselves, and that in this way we reach out to others who share a common bond... a loving furball.

I am so sorry for your loss. Words can't even describe it. You must feel so very alone....

Thank you for touching our lives

prairiesunshine Mama to:
Angel & Taz

At December 21, 2005 9:31 PM, Blogger Max said...

Oh geeze. I am so sorry...it doesn't seem fair at all, and as snarky as I usually am, I've got a huge lump in my throat right now.

We all have cats and dogs who came before us, and we know they're waiting at the Rainbow Bridge for us, and they're going to take great care of Eppy while she waits for you, but know that doesn't make it hurt less.

We'll all--the entire kitty blogosphere--be thinking about you. And well miss Eppy, even though some of us didn't get to know her until recently.

At December 22, 2005 2:50 AM, Blogger Miz said...

My heart goes out to you for your loss. Thank you for being such a good pet owner, there are so many out there who do not understand the privledge of having a pet. You were there by her side at the end, I hope I can face that day when I comes with your courage. Please don't be a stranger.

At December 22, 2005 12:12 PM, Blogger Sanjee said...

Eponine was so lucky to have a cowboy like you to live with before she went to the rainbow bridge. Me and my sisters Boni and Mini and my Mommy are all saying purrayers for you to feel not so bad and for Eponine to have a real good journey over the rainbow bridge. I got to come live with Mommy and Grandma when my hero Chloe went over the rainbow bridge. She'd lived with them for 18 years! So Mommy got all crying when she saw your Eponine was gone for her last 'venture, cuz she knew how sad you'd feel. Mommy says once her hurty tooth is better she'll make sure to take more pictures so you can see.

At December 22, 2005 12:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude, I only learned of your blog a few days ago, but I've spent a lot of time reading your archived adventures, and will be back to read more. My condolences on your loss.

At December 22, 2005 12:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so sorry for your loss. I too had to say 'until we meet again' to my old girl last week. I can only imagine how big the hole in your heart is. I also cant imagine it ever healing but everyone says it does. I logged onto Max's site and followed it to yours. I thought I was getting better but I guess not since reading about your little monster made me miss mine all over again. Then the tears followed and Meepers came to comfort me. fortunately, I still have kitties to cover me in kisses and give me head butts so I might survive.

At December 22, 2005 2:14 PM, Blogger craziequeen said...

Thank you for visiting my blog, Cowboy, and leaving such a nice message.
Feel free to visit again :-)

Be sure we will all be here as long as you need or want us :-)


At December 22, 2005 4:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so sorry ... I found your blog just a few days ago, and am thankful for these past few days...

At December 22, 2005 4:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I came to your blog from PyschoKitty's. I am so sorry about Eppy. She knew you with her in her last moments and that made her content to pass on. She knew you loved her.

At December 22, 2005 6:24 PM, Blogger singaporegrrl said...

I'm so sorry to hear about darling Eponine. My heart breaks for you. God bless.

At December 22, 2005 7:01 PM, Blogger Kitty said...

I found out about Eponine's blog through Max's website. I too wish I found out about her a long time ago. She sounded like a great friend and I'm so sorry to hear about her passing. I lost one of my beloved fuzzies last winter and I know how hard it is. Just remember that one day, you will be together again.

At December 22, 2005 8:11 PM, Blogger Just Ducky said...

Thanks for visiting my blog. I am glad I could give you something to smile about. Stop by again when you have time. Because this is a time to both laugh and cry. You laugh about the good times and cry when you know you won't have more time with your Little Monster.

Mum says hang in there. The holidays can be rough when you are suddenly missing someone you have loved so much. Her mum died right before Christmas many years ago, so your loss has really touches her heart.

At December 22, 2005 9:41 PM, Blogger Big Piney Woods Cats said...

During these holidays remember all of us kitty lovers are thinking of you!

At December 22, 2005 10:19 PM, Blogger Magoo, Smudge, Bella & Dolce said...

When adopting a cat, they tell you that is is lifelong commitment. The only problem is that it is for their lifetime. Fifteen years seemed like forever when we were in school, and a lifetime when it came time for our high school reunions. I watch my little kitten and fifteen years seems so far in the future. I watch my older cat and realize that ten years have passed in a heartbeat. A blessed cat companion we can not count the human years they have given us, we have to count the cat years. Eponine gave you a century of love and companionship, a feat no human can ever match.


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