Wild Life Of A Little Monster

Others are scared of me because of all the fun I have. Considered a vigilante by my Eponine.

Smelly Babies

Shall we dance?Have been donning a new watch and a few new shirts at work. Even hung some new drapes and assembled a new floor lamp at home. All were Christmas gifts, albeit some were from myself. I deserved it, I say. I feel like I've been buying a bunch lately.

The Mom tells me stories of how thrilling it was as a kid (1930s) to make, with her mother (Grandma Guadalupe), baby dolls from wild onions. Mom says she would make the girls have long hair and the boys have short. The girls always would have flowing "dresses" and she'd have them dance and dance and dance, twirling them around. She would be on cloud nine playing with those dolls. She didn't tell me this, but she likely did not know how little she actually had. As a child, she thought she had it all! Time with her mom and her baby dolls, what more do you need or could possibly want?

My Eponine, like most cats, was more thrilled with the box than anything inside it. Or a free pom pom, given to a rabid Cowboy, that might have been left lying around after a big game always provided days of fun. Ribbons strategically tied to chairs were her favorite. There also was a toy mouse or two. I keep finding them in various places. She likely felt she had it all!

I haven't taken down our stockings yet. Will do so this weekend. Seeing them last night while assembling that new lamp reminded me that even smelly little, wild onion baby dolls can be the best. But let me tell you, those new drapes are pretty awesome too.


At January 05, 2006 5:02 PM, Blogger The Meezers or Billy said...

Ribbons tied to chairs are the BESTEST. - Norton, Trixie, Sammy, Miles and Mom

At January 05, 2006 6:33 PM, Blogger Just Ducky said...

Thanks for the cyber sritches. No wonder I felted so good. Hmmmm. A bright spot in another cloudy day.

At January 05, 2006 8:37 PM, Blogger Mattingly said...

Sounds like Eponine had all the good things in life. I enjoy boxes as well, but there is nothing like a roll of paper towels.

At January 05, 2006 8:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmm, new drapes? This is sorta like asking to find a new kitty sometime soon... :-)

Loved the onion baby story - how sweet. She did have it all, and so did Eponine. (What more do any of us need than to be really loved?)

Enjoy the new duds and stuff.

At January 05, 2006 8:42 PM, Blogger The Meezers or Billy said...

Thank you for the kind words on our bloggie! Norton says "purrrr"

At January 05, 2006 8:58 PM, Blogger Edsel/The Pooch said...

those are so cute! i wonder how long they lasted?

At January 06, 2006 12:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My cat will literally turn her nose up to ANY toy that is over a dollar. Really. One time I got her a $6 toy from the market, and she would have absolutely nothing to do with it. I had to give it away.

At January 06, 2006 1:45 AM, Blogger prairiesunshine said...

OOOOOHHHHH drapes! silly me, one of the first things I did when Angel was a wee baby was to decide to make the entire wedding party's dresses.... I can't even RECALL how all that fabric went unscathed! Its amazing. Then I decided to make new drapes to go with our new blinds we bought after our wedding. Angel was very good! But shortly thereafter, Taz came along. Have I mentioned Taz is half siamese and half sneaky neighbors cat? I'm not sure which half is worse, but lets just say the drapes.... well.... not so nice anymore. She LOVES fabric even more than Angel. There aren't any drapes in the bedroom. I'm thinking the bare brand new wrought iron rod will be a permanent fixture there. Drapes are things for people without cats me thinks... And the ones I have aren't even FULL drapes, just valance panels.... but just enough to grab onto and hide in, cause of course I had to make the kind that spill onto the floor.... Give them enough drape, I say, and they'll hang on them, hide under them and play in them...

Enjoy your new drapes. The next kitty that picks you might like them too :O)

Mama to Angel n Taz

ps they LOVE the box the toys came in... They are having SOOOO much fun in the kitty tree perch box. Much more fun than ON the perch!! Santy Claws is bringin them a box next year!!! And I won't even get started on paper towels and toilet paper.... People in OUR house know to look in the drawer. :O) Nuff said??

At January 06, 2006 4:15 PM, Blogger craziequeen said...

Drapes - curtains - climbing frames (in our house!)

Hi Cowboy :-)


At January 06, 2006 4:19 PM, Blogger Eponine's Cowboy said...

Hello cq!

At January 06, 2006 11:33 PM, Blogger Big Piney Woods Cats said...

Stopped by to read your blog today Cowboy. Am it sunny in Kansas? Sounds like you am keepin busy busy......

At January 07, 2006 1:54 AM, Blogger Eponine's Cowboy said...

Thanks for stopping by, PL. Guests keep helping me to feel better.

cq & tammara - I didn't event think how tempting new drapes would be to a new kitty. Oh my! Maybe I am testing fate.

t - glad you like the baby onion story. It's one of my faves about my Mom. I've been a little obsessively buying. I feel like I need new. But am always reminded how it really is the simple things -- an empty box, $1 toys, onion babies, etc....

Norton - you sure are a sweet kitty.

andophiroxia - sounds like you have a perfect kitty. What's the kitty's name?

Edsel - those dolls don't last too long. You're right. But the smell sure lingers.

Mattingly - I sure hope you're cleaning and help your humans out with those paper towels and not just randomly tearing them to shreds

Fiona - even I like wild onions. Without a doubt, I'm sure you would too.

Derby - I wish I could pet you more. Mouse over and left click over the tiger on my blog and he will purr. Be careful too. He might eat your mouse!

a & t - I bet those dresses your momma made were fantastic. My mom's cat, Eddy, loves to climb up her drapes. It scares me when he suddenly comes up behind a chair or sofa. I hope no one has an accident while trying to look in the drawer for the necessities!

At January 07, 2006 2:24 AM, Blogger Sanjee said...

The onion beans just need pointy ears to be onion kitties. That'd be real neat. :)

At January 07, 2006 10:44 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

I wish GK was as easily satisfied! Its not the box but its overpriced contents that he always wants! It's like living with a really expensive boyfriend who refuses to work and expects you to pick up the tab all the time.

In my next life (yep, I come from the reincarnation crowd), I want to be reborn as a lapkitty.

At January 07, 2006 5:00 PM, Blogger Eponine's Cowboy said...

I like that idea, Sanjee!!

I also like the idea or reincarnation. Maybe return as a gigolo kitty!!! Could I be that lucky?

At January 07, 2006 6:49 PM, Blogger prairiesunshine said...

cowboy.... sometimes when we have NEW company over, I'll leave a note on the toilet paper holder. LOL. But since we are the 4th generation living in our house, the entire family knows where the TP is kept if they don't know to look in the drawer. More often than not, we find a roll on the holder when company leaves... if it makes it that far, cause usually we find it on the floor instead. That Taz..... But she's just so proud of herself for doing it and loves laying in it... Little brat ;O)

At January 08, 2006 12:25 AM, Blogger Timmy said...

New curtains? Do you need me to do a test run up them for ya? ;) Hope you're doin' well! Stop by sometime!!

At January 08, 2006 12:05 PM, Blogger Big Piney Woods Cats said...

Glad I can be of help. Here is a sandpaper kiss......all the way from A State Of Winter to Kansas!!

At January 08, 2006 6:44 PM, Blogger Just Ducky said...

Cowboy, I gotted your little tiger to purrr a lot. Hope you got to hear it. Mum loves it when I purr, or sometimes she says it is more like, "mrrrrr". Bit of a cross between a meow and a purr. I do it lots when I am happy. 'Specially when mum comes home and I get all my welcome home scritches.

Sandpaper kisses to you.


At January 09, 2006 11:05 PM, Blogger Eponine's Cowboy said...

a&t - my friend LMc's Ernie and Bert used to love the TP. Bert would tear it to pieces if left on the holder.

Timmy - you can come over anytime.

It might snow here in the morning, Patches Lady. But it's been pretty nice so far this winter.

Derby - it would be easy to fall in love withh you. I can just imagine that mrrrr. You deserve allt he scritches you get and then some!

At January 11, 2006 3:36 PM, Blogger The Fluffy Tribe said...

more stories, more stories and headbutts to you Mr. Cowboy ~Merlin, Shadow, Ko KO


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