An Inspiration
Although I still get much anxiety each time I think I'm getting close to being picked and having a new monster move in, Zuleme over at Caturday is tackling her fears head on. I am so proud of her. Take a moment to visit her site. You'll see her very first picture of Harper. She didn't stop with him either. She also welcomed Ramona!
Having never met her, how is that I know that I know her? The Zuleme I know is caring, passionate, loving, incredible, driven, motivated, sometimes sad, often happy, and a very wonderful soul. I am proud to know her.
Fergus loved her. She loved Fergus. Their love has brought Ramona and Harper to Zuleme. It's very exciting. An inspiration!
She is a real cutie.
Zuleme is truly wonderful, but then again, so are you. You will get picked. - Meezers Mom
The thing is, you're getting closer every day! I'm excited for Zuleme and her new babies, and I'm excited for you, and the one that's coming.
She truly is a cute baby! I hope you find your own little baby monster soon.
Some day soon you will get picked, your heart will be open for a new monster.
Lovely kittens, Cowboy.....
Don't get axious, love - one day a little lady or fella will leap into your heart....and you'll know....
A cutie just like you, Meg.
As always, DKM, thanks for your encouraging words.
Oh, MM, you are so very nice to me.
LTC, I think you're right. I am getting closer. For whatever reason, this evening I had a small sad spell overwhelm me, but I still know I am getting closer!
Chatcat, Cute is right. You'd think she was related to you.
Derby, I appreciate so much your ongoing support.
CQ, you are so very wise. I know patience is a virtue. But I also know that if I stay living in fear, I am only robbing myself of love to receive.
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