Wild Life Of A Little Monster

Others are scared of me because of all the fun I have. Considered a vigilante by my Eponine.

Halloween Celebrating

Halloween party favorsWas an "Accidental Tourist" at a recent Halloween party. Floral print shirt, a floral lei, sunglasses, straw hat, flip flops (not thongs) and the Polaroid camera around my neck. It was a lame costume, if I'm being honest. Hey, at least I was participatory. It probably would have been funnier if I had put a cast on my leg.

The chase of the pumpkins!!!The party was Oct. 28 at the home of a former co-worker. It was a festive and fun occasion. While headed to the party that night through the Brookside/Waldo area of Kansas City, I bet I passed at least 10 parties and all kinds of costumed adults roaming the neighborhoods.

Party favors for all attending were these little pumpkins and a ghost here and there. The party hosts made them. The mantel was covered with them. Each unique, with a variety of materials utilized to help make each pumpkin's expressions.

With the new digital camera, got the pic to the left of these two running for the lives from the larger pumpkin. I felt their expressions were right from a horror flick. At any moment, they're likely about to trip and fall as the evil creature slowly approaches.

For the most part, it was the typical party. Lots of food, desserts, drinks, chips, "Rocky Horror Picture Show" playing on the TV, seeing folks you haven't seen in months or years, catching up, gossipping some, making fun of others. The party goers were spared cupcakes with eyeballs or anything like that.
Got my "cards" read while at the party. (Please note, the pic above is of someone else's reading, not mine.) I'm not even remotely superstitious, but do believe that if we pay attention, there likely are "signs" along the way. It's probably all coincidental. You never know!

The card reading really was just for entertainment purposes. I was told by a witch-looking character and a dude that appeared to me a Native American Indian of some sort to shuffle the cards in order to provide them with my energy. They also told me to think about and focus on what I was hoping the cards would tell me. I kept silently repeating, "Give me a message from Eponine. Give me a message from Eponine."

No go, though. I was told I need to nurture myself more, that I'm a communicator, that I have charisma, that I need to further soul search to determine what direction I want to take my life, that I should consider law school ... yawn. I waited to hear the next person's reading just to make sure they didn't get the same message.

Overall, it was a fun party. Afterward, a large group of us went out to a crazy local establishment. A very entertaining night!


At November 05, 2006 5:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That looks like fun. And maybe your reading WAS about Eponine? Perhaps she went cross the bridge and decided to take up law school. From your descriptions, I'd say she would be a perfect judge of character.

At November 07, 2006 11:18 PM, Blogger Eponine's Cowboy said...

I hadn't thought about it actually being a message from Ep. Hmmmm? I wonder.

It was a fun and different party. Glad Halloween only comes along once a year!


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