Wild Life Of A Little Monster

Others are scared of me because of all the fun I have. Considered a vigilante by my Eponine.

Streaking And Sportscasting

Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius, Cal Ripken, Jr., some ladyA week ago, I was lucky enough to attend a fund-raising event benefiting the American Red Cross Chapter in Kansas City. The event actually is an annual speaker series. This year, Cal Ripken, Jr. was the keynote speaker, interviewed by National Public Radio's sports curmudgeon Frank Deford. Posting a few pics. Obviously, I'm loving this digital camera.

I was more excited about Frank than I was about Cal. Both of them were fantastic. I was honored with the presence of Sexy Lady as my guest. She was impressed that Cal is tall and pointed out that he has big feet and big hands. Her next statement was along the line of, "If you blog that I said that I'll kill you."

It would have been 10 straight days that the Charlie monster would have been curled up by my side this evening. He's back at his Riss Lake home, though, no doubt playing with that crazy red ball. I'm told, MMcB, Grandma and Weez had an incredible trip.
Frank Deford
Frank Deford
A book by Frank Deford. I received a signed copy.


At November 12, 2006 10:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

COWBOY!!!!!! I guess there is no friend/friend confidentiality with you huh??! The minute those words left my mouth I instantly saw them in print!!! You just had that look in your devious eye!! It's good to know I know you so well!!

At November 14, 2006 5:47 PM, Blogger Eponine's Cowboy said...

There is friend/friend confidentiality. But it extends to the blogosphere. No one who reads it, I'm sure, will ever repeat it. I promise!


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