Wild Life Of A Little Monster

Others are scared of me because of all the fun I have. Considered a vigilante by my Eponine.

Speaking Of Voting

There's a 20-something dude that works in my office building. The other day he mentioned that he has never voted.

His parents, Vietnamese immigrants, provided him a very disciplined and organized life. They made sure he was protected and sheltered, not overly paticipatory (they likely thought it all a distraction) in activities, and smart. He tells me he studied, studied, studied. When he was done with homework, he says they would tell him to do it all again. He had part-time work, and was required to hand over his paychecks to his parents. He tells me the parents told him and his siblings that they were not smart enough to handle their money.

Evidently, they also didn't think he was smart enough to vote. Or something. It was not something they encouraged. It also is not something for which he has developed an appreciation. He finds my fascination with voting as entertainment. I'm preaching. I hope to eventually be able to report his conversion.

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, voter turnout among U.S. young people was 47 percent in the 2004 presidential election. That is 11 percent higher from the 2000 presidential election. Minnesota young'uns lead the nation, with 68.7 percent voting in 2004. Next were Wisconsin, 63 percent, and Iowa, 62.2 percent.

Hawaii's participation of younger voters was 29.7 percent, last in the nation. Arkansas was next, 36 percent, followed by Tennessee, 38.2 percent, and Texas, 38.5 percent.


At April 01, 2007 12:40 PM, Blogger The Meezers or Billy said...

when I turned 18, it was a presidential election year, and it was probably the most exciting thing I had ever done up to that point in my life - actually voting for someone to lead this country. Even after working on a couple of Presidential campaigns on a local level, I still get that "this is sooo cool" feeling when I step into a voting booth. Of course, spending 12 years in Philadelphia where election day is a huge party contributed greatly to that feeling. Election day is a little boring where I live now. - Meezer Mom Mary


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