Wild Life Of A Little Monster

Others are scared of me because of all the fun I have. Considered a vigilante by my Eponine.

Cross The Wide

I'll never forget the floods we had in 1993. Kansas City got hit hard. Had a major highway closed and many other issues. Just on the northwest side of our downtown is the confluence of the Missouri and the Kansas Rivers. Although we have never done a good job developing our riverfront, it is still a site to see.

Lately, the Missouri River is a bit wider than usual. Derby was kind and left a comment on a recent post checking up on me. What would a Cowboy do if he didn't have buddies wanting a status update? Thanks, Derby. Although the river looks pretty full in Kansas City, the city proper is escaping harm.

The worse news has been coming from up north around St. Joseph, Missouri or even farther south toward Jefferson City, the state's capital. However, I think I saw a dude on Good Morning America the other day broadcasting from Parkville. That's just around the corner and actually is where the Little Monster rests. But that's a good hike from the river.

One thing for sure, my lawn is green, green, green. I even need to mow. The third time in about 10 days.

Speaking of weather issues, can you believe that tornado wiping out the small, Kansas town? Wow. I look forward to hearing how those folks will join to rebuild.

Do you remember the song in elementary school "Oh Shenandoah"? Back then singing along at Washington Elementary in Collinsville, Oklahoma, I never dreamed that my daily trek would take me across the wide Missouri. But that's my reality. I'm bound away.


At May 10, 2007 8:56 AM, Blogger The Meezers or Billy said...

oh that tornado in Greensburg (I think that was the name of the town) was so sad. We are all glad you are ok - we were starting to worry because we had not seen an update in a while. - Meezer Mom Mary


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