Wild Life Of A Little Monster

Others are scared of me because of all the fun I have. Considered a vigilante by my Eponine.

A Nice State

Founded in 1912, New Mexico is No. 47 when it comes to the U.S. of A. There are many things throughout the state, though, that prove the state's history goes way beyond statehood. The pic to the left is of the tile on the floor in the center of the capitol.

Below are more pics of artwork from the New Mexico Capitol. The left pic is an eyeball of a fully fascinating, huge buffalo. It was created by assembling various items. For instance, this eye is a fishing rod (with Mom's finger aiding the viewer). The other eye is a center part of a kerosene lantern. Spools of camera film, newspapers, paint brushes and many other items are masterfully put together. Really cool. A sister provides assistance in the second pic.

Should have written the artist's name because, of course, now I can't remember it. Small world, I remember she (I think I remember the artist is female) was born in Kansas City and lived in New Mexico.

The second pic is of an outdoor sculpture located on the capitol grounds. It is titled "Gathering of Friends." The last pic is of a painting depicting red chilis hanging from a window.


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