Wild Life Of A Little Monster

Others are scared of me because of all the fun I have. Considered a vigilante by my Eponine.

No Taxes And A Laceless Need

This weekend, Aug. 3-5, is a tax-free weekend for many cities and counties in Missouri. The tax holiday is designed to aid in preparation with back-to-school items as well as to help retailers with end-of-the-summer business. The feel-good results also likely keep some politicians elected.

Not everything is exempt from sales taxes. Just stuff that has been defined as back-to-school items.

The skinny: Missouri's Tax-Free Shopping Dates are Aug. 3-5. Applies to clothing under $100, school supplies under $50, computer software under $350, computers/computer equipment under $3,500.

As alluded to in the first paragraph above, not all Missouri cities and counties have elected to participate. Details are on the Missouri Department of Revenue's website.

If you don't have anyone in your family needing back-to-school stuff, this always is a good time to remember a child less fortunate. As a kid, I clearly remember stressing out knowing that I was going to have to wear filthy sneakers on the first day back or old clothes. I'd pray that Dad would send Mom a check or that the step-monster would call saying she was going to take my baby sister and I shopping. Often, Mom somehow worked a miracle.

A sharp, new pencil, clean jeans, white sneakers, a new shirt ... even just one of these items can go a long way at establishing beginning-of-the-year confidence.

Saw a story the other day on Fox 4 about the special need Marillac has. Laceless shoes are requested for the children at this residential treatment center.


At July 31, 2007 10:42 PM, Blogger Ivan from WMD said...

New Mexico has the same sort of tax-free days at the same time--what a good idea about thinking about other kids.


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