Bodily Functions
The little monster seems to be doing OK. For a moment I thought she might have ringworm. But it appears to be just a simple little sore right behind her ear. The intent was to stop by the vet's this morning to put her on the scale, but I didn't get there. I do think she is gaining weight. I am hoping she'll be topping that four-pound mark.
She really is a sweetheart. Last night I fell asleep next to her on the floor. I had been petting her. She likes to roll around on her back. Discovered the other morning that she is front declawed. Haven't spent much time around cats in this condition. She kept pawing and pawing me as I scratched her kneck. I kept wondering why I never felt a little stab. Then it donned on me. I checked out those little toes and there was nothing in there.
That broke my heart a little. Partly because it is further evidence that she had humans once. Also because I just wonder how tough it has been wandering how ever long she has without any defenses. Lastly because I am not at all a proponent of the process. (Nothing against those who make this decision. It's just not one for me.) I really wish I knew her story.
We've had some runny-poop accidents and digestive issues. A handful of throw-up issues too. I am hoping it is just a getting-used-to-a box issue and, even more important, a getting-used-to-food issue and not an indication of a stomach ailment. I really am praying she is able to hang with me for a bit and let's me be her's.
How sad your new little one has no claws. It must have been very frightening for her outside.
You should go to Henry Helton's blog site and read about his bro Clyde who also has no front claws and was left abandonded and got all skinny on the street until Henry's lady took Clyde in.
I was also abandoned and even though I have my claws, the outside can be very scarey and dangerous for us kittys.
awwwwwww poor sweetie! she's had some heartbreak and terrible times, but it sounds like she finded the right Cowboy to rescue her! If she's rolling around on her back and pawing at your neck, it doesn't seem that she's gonna go anywhere!! so, maybe she will tell you her name!!! or you could just call her cowgirl!!
Sammy was abandoned when he was a little baby, so he knows how scary it is out there.
Dear Cowboy and new little kittie,
Purrs to both of you. Mum knows all about getting kitties with no claws. That is me! I have no claws at all, as my firsted owner had them all taken out. So mum makes sure I stay inside since I can't defned myself against the nasty stuff outside.
The tummy issues may work themselves out once she get used to eating the same food, having a box to use and not just going anywhere.
Sounds like she trusts you pretty much if she is showing her belly to you. I think you have a new cutie in your life!
Concatulations on the human baby too.
When I first brought Mittens home from the shelter she had the runs and vomiting. The vet gave her some meds that fixed her up. I too wish I knew where my 4 cats came from. 3 of them were spayed, so somebody must have loved them. I am sure Precious was left in the woods because she was pregnant. Some people are such worms.
Best of luck!!
How scary that must have been for her before she found you. It's hard to say how she wound up out there before that. I know what happened to me, but my sisters have never said how they wound up at the shelter to wait for my mom. We all hope it was just a mistake and not intentional.
I hope her food issues settle. Sometimes it's just the excitement of finding mom says, sort of like dating (!), whatever that means.
Aw, least she's got yoo now Cowboy!
And my sisfurs Mini and Gree both had lotsa tummy and poopy issues til Mommy started givin us food wif no wheat or corn. Maybe if yoo try that and she's got time to adjust her tummy will be happy. Yoo can emale us at catsnmom AT if yoo wants idears bout no wheat n corn foods.
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