Wild Life Of A Little Monster

Others are scared of me because of all the fun I have. Considered a vigilante by my Eponine.

When In Rome

This is the day's last post.

Oct. 4 was the feast of St. Francis, Assisi. To commemorate, many Catholics, Episcopalians and members of other faiths include a special moment to offer "Blessings of Animals." Because it is believed that St Francis of Assisi had a special love for all creatures, that is why the blessing is associated with this saint.

Even though the day has passed, it's never too late to offer a blessing! Especially for these little creatures that God has provided to share so much love with us.

Here's a link to blessings and other resources on the Episcopal Diocese of Washington website. This link is to information on the americancatholic.org site, which includes some do-it-yourself blessings.

Sometimes when Gabby is snoozing, the noises she makes leaves me certain she's dreaming. I think those dreams are of how happy she is now and of the blessings to come.

Here's hoping that you and any little monsters in your life feel loved and blessed.


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