Wild Life Of A Little Monster

Others are scared of me because of all the fun I have. Considered a vigilante by my Eponine.


There's a new car wash/oil change place in Raytown, Missouri. I pass it on my daily trudge to the J-O-B. The last couple days there's been this mouse-looking creature in front of it. Not a real mouse. A human in a mouse-like costume.

This mouse holds a sign and just waves, waves, waves at all the passers-by. Just working like the dickens to tempt folks to put on the right signal and pull on in to this new place. It makes me smile looking at it.

Across the street, it's actually a highway, 350 highway. With stoplights. Max speed 45 mph. Lots of merging on and merging off. I hate it. And I digress ..... across the street from the car wash is a high school. There's construction of a new gymn or other addition to the high school.

The other morning, I saw seven or eight union folks "striking" in front of the construction site. "Shame on Raytown Schools" their sign proclaimed. The strikers were in their lawn chairs. Lounging. A couple with umbrellas to protect them from the sun.

Glancing to my left, across the street, there was that mouse. Smiling, waving, working to entice.


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